
Weight for turntable

OCTOPUS  New concept for immobilization of LP 

By changing the arbor hole the Octopus changes to a clamp or to a weight.
This exchange is later possible too, by order the according arbor hole.

The usage of a clamp is reasonable in case of relatively waved LP.
By turning the knob, the LP will be fixed very strong to the arbor of your turntable. Waved LP will be straightened by the pressure and LP with low weight will be more effective calmed
  Octopus GK zy a unten small

On the bottom side of the Octopus 8 two-layered absorber elements care for a immobilization of the LP. Hemispheres of birch wood take the vibration of the LP and transport them to overlying gel pads, which destroy the energy of the disturbing vibrations. See picture on the right side.

The Octopus as clamp is y very reasonable supplement to our weight for turntable PG1 or PG0

Price:  from 449,00 €

More Details

  Duchsichtig Kugelknauf Kupfer nah

PG1  Our bestseller    

NEW   Light Version with 200 g

On the underside 6 absorber elements are arranged in a ring.
Each of them consists of the following three layers

  • Sorbothane a polymer with the properties of liquids
  • novel minerally layer as delimiter for vibrations
  • natural rubber with high percentage of air.

The corpus is a nonmagnetic aluminium.

review from  Ralf Werner



PG1 Light Oben mirror

PG1 Light  Top side

PG1 mk2 unten oben mit ohne Ring plusAbsorber flach WEB

The speciality of the PG1 MK2 in addition to the integrated absorber is the low weight of 350 g, which preserves the bearing of your turntable.

Weight for turntables with low weight has often a reduced effect of sound improvement. But not so with our PG1+ MK2.
We compensate the low weight by our highly efficient absorber elements.
Futhermore we reduce so the mechanical loading of the bearing of your turntable.

Universally applicable: Thorens, LINN, Dual
Our weight for turntable PG1+ MK2 with his low weight of 350g is suitable for turntables with subchassis too.
For example Linn LP12 and Majik, Thorens and Dual.

review from  Ralf Werner
    6moons logo

PG1 MK2 oben

PG1+ MK2  top side

PG1 MK2 unten WEBPG1+ MK2 buttom side

Arbor hole of POM
The arber hole consist of the material POM, which i well-known in HighEnd area for his good absorbing attributes. The relatively soft material POM protects the arbor of your turntable against damage.


Ring of rubber for very high grip
Our weight for turntable PG1+ has 3 integrated rings of natural rubber.
Beside the optical effect this rings reduce the danger of damage,
because they privide a good grip.


PG1+ MK2    159,00 € / piece

Online Shop



PG1 Light Unten mirror

PG1 Light - bottom side

 Siegel 2015 CMYK 500px

Presented with the fairaudio AWARD 2015 

PG0: Our entry-level model PG0 with natural rubber:

3 ring of aluminum for easy-to-grip

  PG0 unten 1600px   PG0 Light Unten mirror
 PG0 top side    PG0 buttom side with natural rubber   PG0 Light


Fitting for our weight for turntables we offer our mat for turntables PA1, DUO and Vario  (see here)